Manage your BizTalk Passwords

During the deployment of BizTalk applications, it is sometimes necessary to set passwords manually. There are other options such as those to prepare a binding file that contains the passwords, but it is not always a quick and easy job.

Then I created a console application that easily sets the password for the send ports and receive locations so that it can create automatic deployment script.

You can get this tool at site.

It is just an example that currently manages the adapter FILE, FTP, SFTP, POP3 and WCF *. Of course you can access the source code in order to manage other kind of adapters.

This console is very simple to use, simply specify the port type (if a send port or a receive location), a user and a password.

Following an example of use:

Microsys.EAI.Framework.PasswordManager.exe -set -receive -name:MyReceiveLocation -user:John -password:@Passw0rd1

Microsys.EAI.Framework.PasswordManager.exe -set -send -name:MySendPort -user:John -password:@Passw0rd1

In addition to setting the password, it allows you to view the property of the ports that normally contain credentials (TransportTypeData).

Following are other examples of use:

Microsys.EAI.Framework.PasswordManager.exe -list -application:[application name]

Microsys.EAI.Framework.PasswordManager.exe -get -receive -name:[receive location name]

Microsys.EAI.Framework.PasswordManager.exe -get -send -name:[send port name]

Microsys.EAI.Framework.PasswordManager.exe -set -receive -name:[receive location name] -user:[username] -password:[password]

Microsys.EAI.Framework.PasswordManager.exe -set -send -name:[send port name] -user:[username] -password:[password]

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